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[原创] WOW、3.13M端 数据设置

发表于 2010-1-21 18:51:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
UPDATE item_template SET statscount=10 where quality>1 and (class=2 or class=4);

UPDATE item_template SET quality=4,spellid_1=1680,spelltrigger_1=2,spellppmrate_1=4,spellcooldown_1=9000 where entry=6975 or entry=6976 or entry=6977;

#UPDATE item_template SET itemlevel=itemlevel+(25-quality)*(quality-1) where quality>1 and class =2;
#UPDATE item_template SET itemlevel=itemlevel+(25-quality)*(quality-1) where quality>1 and class =4;

UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min1=dmg_min1+itemlevel,dmg_max1=dmg_max1+itemlevel where entry=6975 or entry=6976 or entry=6977;

UPDATE item_template SET spellcooldown_1=30000 where spellid_1<>0 and spelltrigger_1=0 and spellcooldown_1>60000 and class=2;
UPDATE item_template SET spellcooldown_1=30000 where spellid_1<>0 and spelltrigger_1=0 and spellcooldown_1>60000 and class=4;
UPDATE item_template SET spellcooldown_2=30000 where spellid_2<>0 and spelltrigger_2=0 and spellcooldown_2>60000 and class=2;
UPDATE item_template SET spellcooldown_2=30000 where spellid_2<>0 and spelltrigger_2=0 and spellcooldown_2>60000 and class=4;
#            7=耐力、12=防御等级、13=躲闪等级、14=招架等级、15=盾牌格挡
#            16=近战命中、17=远程命中、18=法术命中、19=近战暴击、20=远程暴击
#            21=法术暴击、22=近战躲闪、23=远程躲闪、24=法术躲闪、25=近战暴击躲闪、
#            26=远程暴击躲闪、27=法术暴击躲闪、28=近战攻击速度、29=远程攻击速度、
#            30=法术攻击速度、31=命中等级、32暴击等级、33=命中躲闪、34=暴击躲闪、
#            35=韧性、36=急速攻击速度)37=专项武器技能

#                      4=冰霜伤害、5=暗影伤害、6=奥术伤害)


UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min1=dmg_min1*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_max1=dmg_max1*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min2=dmg_min2*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_max2=dmg_max2*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min3=dmg_min3*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_max3=dmg_max3*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min4=dmg_min4*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_max4=dmg_max4*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min5=dmg_min5*6;
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_max5=dmg_max5*6;

UPDATE item_template SET armor=armor*2;

UPDATE item_template SET holy_res=holy_res*5;
UPDATE item_template SET fire_res=fire_res*5;
UPDATE item_template SET nature_res=nature_res*5;
UPDATE item_template SET Frost_res=Frost_res*5;
UPDATE item_template SET shadow_res=shadow_res*5;
UPDATE item_template SET arcane_res=arcane_res*5;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value10 = itemlevel*quality , stat_type10 = 36 where class=4 and subclass=0 and quality>1 and InventoryType=23;
#魔杖加强 伤害要降低  伤害 属于物理技能与法术技能倍数相乘??  其中9个伤害为零(3.13版)
UPDATE item_template SET dmg_min1=dmg_min1/6,dmg_max1=dmg_max1/6,stat_value5 = itemlevel*quality+requiredlevel , stat_type5 = 36 where class = 2 and subclass = 19;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value5 = (itemlevel+requiredlevel)*quality , stat_type5 = 36 where  class = 2 and subclass = 10;
UPDATE item_template SET  spellid_5 = 21626, spelltrigger_5=1,spellcharges_5=0,spellppmrate_5=0,
spellcooldown_5=-1,spellcategory_5=0,spellcategorycooldown_5=-1 where spellid_5=0 and class = 4 and subclass = 1 and AllowableClass <> 256 and itemlevel < 80 and quality >1;
UPDATE item_template SET  spellid_5 = 21633, spelltrigger_5=1,spellcharges_5=0,spellppmrate_5=0,
spellcooldown_5=-1,spellcategory_5=0,spellcategorycooldown_5=-1 where spellid_5=0 and class = 4 and subclass = 1 and AllowableClass <> 256 and itemlevel >= 80 and itemlevel < 150 and quality >1;
UPDATE item_template SET  spellid_5 = 42100, spelltrigger_5=1,spellcharges_5=0,spellppmrate_5=0,
spellcooldown_5=-1,spellcategory_5=0,spellcategorycooldown_5=-1 where spellid_5=0 and class = 4 and subclass = 1 and AllowableClass <> 256 and  itemlevel >= 150 and quality >1;

#修改属性之前##################################Quality>=2 and quality<5
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value1 = stat_value1*2 where stat_type1<>0;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value2 = stat_value2*2 where stat_type2<>0;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value3 = stat_value3*2 where stat_type3<>0;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value4 = stat_value4*2 where stat_type4<>0;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value5 = stat_value5*2 where stat_type5<>0;
#UPDATE item_template SET stat_value6 = stat_value6*2 where stat_type6<>0;
#UPDATE item_template SET stat_value7 = stat_value7*2 where stat_type7<>0;
#UPDATE item_template SET stat_value8 = stat_value8*2 where stat_type8<>0;
#UPDATE item_template SET stat_value9 = stat_value9*2 where stat_type9<>0;
#UPDATE item_template SET stat_value10 = stat_value10*2 where stat_type10<>0;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value1 = stat_value1*2 where stat_type1<>0 and quality=5 and (class=2 or class=4);
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value2 = stat_value2*2 where stat_type2<>0 and quality=5 and (class=2 or class=4);
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value3 = stat_value3*2 where stat_type3<>0 and quality=5 and (class=2 or class=4);
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value4 = stat_value4*2 where stat_type4<>0 and quality=5 and (class=2 or class=4);
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value5 = stat_value5*2 where stat_type5<>0 and quality=5 and (class=2 or class=4);


UPDATE item_template SET stackable = 255 where stackable=5 or stackable=10 or stackable=20 or stackable=30 or stackable=40 or stackable=50 or stackable=100 or stackable=200;

UPDATE gameobject SET spawntimesecs = 1 ;
#UPDATE creature SET spawntimesecs = 15 ;#怪物刷新时间为5秒,BOSS的虽超过5秒,但也绝不会让你等很久

UPDATE creature SET spawntimesecs = 90 where id in (select entry from creature_template where rank=0);
#UPDATE creature SET spawntimesecs = 120 where id in (select entry from creature_template where rank=2 or rank=4 or rank=1);
#UPDATE creature SET spawntimesecs = 300 where id in (select entry from creature_template where rank=3);
                                        #怪物刷新 按普通精英世界boss分类                                       

update player_levelstats set str=str*3/2,agi=agi*3/2,sta=sta*3/2,inte=inte*3/2,spi=spi*3/2;
UPDATE player_classlevelstats SET basehp = basehp*10 ;
UPDATE player_classlevelstats SET basemana=basemana*2 where basemana<>0;
                                        #人物基础血量蓝 蓝可以不改 魔法消耗按蓝上限百分比

UPDATE skinning_loot_template SET maxcount = 20 ;
UPDATE fishing_loot_template SET maxcount = 20 ;

UPDATE prospecting_loot_template SET maxcount = 10 ;

UPDATE item_template SET randomsuffix = 221 where Randomsuffix = 0 and Quality > 1 and Quality <5 and class = 2 and RandomProperty=0;
UPDATE item_template SET randomsuffix = 221 where Randomsuffix = 0 and Quality > 1 and Quality <5 and class = 4 and RandomProperty=0;

UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `hp` = `hp`*15 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `mana` = `mana`*8 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `armor` = `armor`*8 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `str` = `str`*150 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `agi` = `agi`*50 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `sta` = `sta`*10 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `inte` = `inte`*10 ;
UPDATE `pet_levelstats` SET `spi` = `spi`*50 ;
UPDATE item_template SET stat_value1 = stat_value1*quality where stat_type1=30;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value2 = stat_value2*quality where stat_type2=30;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value3 = stat_value3*quality where stat_type3=30;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value4 = stat_value4*quality where stat_type4=30;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value5 = stat_value5*quality where stat_type5=30;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value1 = stat_value1*quality where stat_type1=36;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value2 = stat_value2*quality where stat_type2=36;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value3 = stat_value3*quality where stat_type3=36;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value4 = stat_value4*quality where stat_type4=36;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value1 = stat_value1*quality*quality where stat_type1=6;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value2 = stat_value2*quality*quality where stat_type2=6;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value3 = stat_value3*quality*quality where stat_type3=6;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value4 = stat_value4*quality*quality where stat_type4=6;

UPDATE item_template SET stat_value5 = stat_value5*quality*quality where stat_type5=6;

UPDATE item_template SET spellcategorycooldown_1=spellcategorycooldown_1/10  where class=0 and subclass=1;
UPDATE item_template SET requiredlevel=requiredlevel-15  where class=0 and subclass=5 and requiredlevel>15;
UPDATE item_template SET requiredlevel=0  where class=0 and subclass=5 and requiredlevel<15;

#测试 高itemlevel     int 类型
# UPDATE item_template SET itemlevel=itemlevel*quality where quality=5 and class =2;
#UPDATE item_template SET itemlevel=itemlevel*quality where quality=5 and class =4;

UPDATE item_template SET ContainerSlots=ContainerSlots+6  where ContainerSlots >= 1 and ContainerSlots <=30;
#UPDATE item_template SET bonding =2 where ( class=2 or class=4 ) and quality > 1;

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