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★微变梦幻西游 ☆万件装备版★



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楼主: 爱哭

[一键安装] 【挑战OL】【牛哥DK豪华版一键端!】服务端+客户端+注册工具+GM工具【11/13更】

发表于 2011-11-16 08:33:29 | 显示全部楼层
爱哭 发表于 2011-11-15 23:19

   就是130级后 就不知道去哪打怪了
发表于 2011-11-18 11:52:17 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2011-11-18 16:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-19 16:09:12 | 显示全部楼层
怀念  记得几年前我还是手工架设的
发表于 2011-11-19 17:31:15 | 显示全部楼层
果断换回XP 谢谢分享 挑战 我来了
发表于 2011-11-19 18:53:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-19 18:57:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-19 19:18:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-20 13:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?注册

发表于 2011-11-20 16:07:55 | 显示全部楼层
为什么第6步 启动DekaronServer 运行了一会就会提示 出现一个问题 DekaronServer已停止工作
发表于 2011-11-20 16:08:57 | 显示全部楼层
还有就是必须要联网 就不能断网吗
发表于 2011-11-20 16:14:15 | 显示全部楼层
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 204
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 207
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 209
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 208
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 210
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 206
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 205
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 211
2036: [ Map 14 ] NPC Layout Load Success 5
2036: [ Map 15 ] NPC Layout Load Success 2
2036: [ Map 16 ] NPC Layout Load Success 3
2036: cannot place monster at map 17 ( 188, 166 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 17 ] NPC Layout Load Success 16
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1809
2036: [ Map 18 ] NPC Layout Load Success 8
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 233, 217 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 234, 228 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 229, 236 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 228, 227 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 234, 237 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 230, 251 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 228, 259 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 235, 257 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 232, 264 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 234, 277 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 283, 259 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 287, 266 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 283, 275 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 287, 281 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 382, 131 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 229, 211 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 232, 222 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 236, 211 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 235, 253 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 229, 272 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 287, 272 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 282, 294 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 282, 264 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 288, 260 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 19 ( 282, 284 ) - redcell
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1914
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1915
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1916
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1917
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1918
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1919
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1934
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1931
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1927
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1928
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1932
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1926
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1937
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1933
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1935
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1936
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1930
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1938
2036: [ Map 19 ] NPC Layout Load Success 13
2036: [ Map 20 ] NPC Layout Load Success 10
2036: cannot place monster at map 21 ( 317, 444 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 21 ( 97, 178 ) - redcell
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2125
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2126
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2121
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2122
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2123
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2124
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2119
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2120
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2108
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2115
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2104
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2113
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2112
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2111
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2109
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2118
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2105
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2110
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2114
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2127
2036: [ Map 21 ] NPC Layout Load Success 5
2036: [ Map 22 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Undo_Stadion" attacked to map index 22
2036: [ Map 23 ] NPC Layout Load Success 7
2036: [ Map 23 ] Brick Locating Success 8 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 24 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: Script "Infinite Hunt_C" attacked to map index 24
2036: [ Map 25 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 25 ] Brick Locating Success 17 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Treasure of Crespo_C" attacked to map index 25
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3211
2036: [ Map 26 ] NPC Layout Load Success 12
2036: [ Map 26 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 27 ] NPC Layout Load Success 15
2036: [ Map 27 ] Brick Locating Success 5 / Fail 0
2036: Script "A Maze of The Conscript_Ares" attacked to map index 27
2036: [ Map 28 ] NPC Layout Load Success 15
2036: [ Map 28 ] Brick Locating Success 5 / Fail 0
2036: Script "A Maze of The Conscript_Morte" attacked to map index 28
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 2521
2036: [ Map 29 ] NPC Layout Load Success 19
2036: [ Map 29 ] Brick Locating Success 4 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Guardian of The Seal" attacked to map index 29
2036: [ Map 30 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: Script "Infinite Hunt_B" attacked to map index 30
2036: [ Map 31 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: Script "Infinite Hunt" attacked to map index 31
2036: cannot place monster at map 32 ( 323, 151 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 32 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 32 ] Brick Locating Success 17 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Treasure of Crespo_B" attacked to map index 32
2036: [ Map 33 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 33 ] Brick Locating Success 17 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Treasure of Crespo_A" attacked to map index 33
2036: [ Map 34 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: [ Map 34 ] Brick Locating Success 2 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Infinite Hunt_S" attacked to map index 34
2036: [ Map 35 ] NPC Layout Load Success 14
2036: [ Map 35 ] Brick Locating Success 14 / Fail 0
2036: Script "A Secret of Nunbais Shrine" attacked to map index 35
2036: [ Map 36 ] NPC Layout Load Success 14
2036: [ Map 36 ] Brick Locating Success 14 / Fail 0
2036: Script "A Secret of Nunbais Shrine_02" attacked to map index 36
2036: [ Map 37 ] NPC Layout Load Success 14
2036: [ Map 37 ] Brick Locating Success 14 / Fail 0
2036: Script "A Secret of Nunbais Shrine_03" attacked to map index 37
2036: [ Map 39 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 39 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Dead_Front_Rabble" attacked to map index 39
2036: [ Map 40 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 40 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Dead_Front_Peer" attacked to map index 40
2036: [ Map 41 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 41 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Dead_Front_Baron" attacked to map index 41
2036: [ Map 42 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 42 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Dead_Front_Earl" attacked to map index 42
2036: [ Map 43 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 43 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Dead_Front_Duke" attacked to map index 43
2036: [ Map 44 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 44 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: Script "Dead_Front_Arch" attacked to map index 44
2036: [ Map 45 ] NPC Layout Load Success 10
2036: [ Map 45 ] Brick Locating Success 0 / Fail 0
2856: Auth Server: 747417 29970320 29970352 4362441
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3306
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3307
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3308
2036: [ Map 46 ] NPC Layout Load Success 4
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3409
2036: [ Map 47 ] NPC Layout Load Success 7
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3606
2036: [ Map 51 ] NPC Layout Load Success 6
2036: cannot place monster at map 52 ( 467, 11 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 52 ( 266, 216 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 52 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 52 ] Brick Locating Success 12 / Fail 0
2036: cannot place monster at map 53 ( 467, 11 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 53 ( 266, 216 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 53 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 53 ] Brick Locating Success 12 / Fail 0
2036: cannot place monster at map 54 ( 467, 11 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 54 ( 266, 216 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 54 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 54 ] Brick Locating Success 12 / Fail 0
2036: cannot place monster at map 55 ( 467, 11 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 55 ( 266, 216 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 55 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: [ Map 55 ] Brick Locating Success 12 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 57 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 58 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 59 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 60 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 60 ] Brick Locating Success 42 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 61 ] NPC Layout Load Success 6
2036: [ Map 62 ] NPC Layout Load Success 6
2036: [ Map 63 ] NPC Layout Load Success 17
2036: [ Map 64 ] NPC Layout Load Success 2
2036: [ Map 64 ] Brick Locating Success 13 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 65 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: [ Map 66 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: [ Map 66 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1210
2036: [ Map 71 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1211
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1212
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1213
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1214
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1215
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1216
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1217
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1220
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1239
2036: [ Map 72 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1211
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1212
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1213
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1214
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1215
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1216
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1217
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1220
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1239
2036: [ Map 73 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1211
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1212
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1213
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1214
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1215
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1216
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1217
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1220
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1239
2036: [ Map 74 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1211
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1212
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1213
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1214
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1215
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1216
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1217
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1220
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 1239
2036: [ Map 75 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: cannot place monster at map 77 ( 319, 199 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 77 ( 227, 426 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 77 ( 246, 426 ) - redcell
2036: [ Map 77 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: [ Map 80 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 81 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 82 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 89 ] NPC Layout Load Success 2
2036: [ Map 89 ] Brick Locating Success 0 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 90 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: [ Map 90 ] Brick Locating Success 0 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 91 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: [ Map 91 ] Brick Locating Success 0 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 92 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: [ Map 92 ] Brick Locating Success 0 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 93 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: [ Map 93 ] Brick Locating Success 0 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 130 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 214, 2253 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 225, 901 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 216, 2066 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 2253, 102 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 116, 2253 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 2066, 152 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 402, 164 ) - redcell
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 61, 802 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 802, 78 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 2253, 87 ) - invalid position
2036: cannot place monster at map 150 ( 131, 2253 ) - invalid position
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 20
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 22
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 23
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 24
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 25
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 26
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 27
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 28
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 29
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 30
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 31
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 32
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 33
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 34
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 21
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 36
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 35
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 37
2036: [ Map 150 ] NPC Layout Load Success 11
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3309
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3311
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3314
2036: [ Map 151 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3310
2036: NPC Flyweight is NULL... So NPC Creation is Fail - NPC index 3313
2036: [ Map 152 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: [ Map 153 ] NPC Layout Load Success 1
2036: [ Map 156 ] NPC Layout Load Success 3
2036: [ Map 156 ] Brick Locating Success 1 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 157 ] NPC Layout Load Success 22
2036: [ Map 158 ] NPC Layout Load Success 2
2036: [ Map 158 ] Brick Locating Success 25 / Fail 0
2036: [ Map 159 ] NPC Layout Load Success 0
2036: [ Map 159 ] Brick Locating Success 19 / Fail 0
2036: --- DekaronServer Started ---
2036: Error - RtlWerpReportException failed with status code :-1073741823. Will
try to launch the process directly
2856: Auth Server: 754359 29970320 29970352 4362441Auth Server: 755326 29970320
29970352 4362441Auth Server: 758275 29970320 29970352 4362441Auth Server: 759257
29970320 29970352 4362441Auth Server: 762190 29970320 29970352 4362441Auth Serv
er: 763173 29970320 29970352 4362441Auth Server: 789631 29970320 29970352 436244
1Auth Server: 793562 29970320 29970352 4362441Auth Server: 797478 29970320 29970
352 4362441Auth Server: 801393 29970320 29970352 4362441
发表于 2011-11-20 18:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-23 02:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
装备 到 9 就 掉线   为什么?
发表于 2011-11-24 12:37:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-24 13:19:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-25 13:21:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-25 16:02:29 | 显示全部楼层
の 貌似不错啊
发表于 2011-11-27 17:34:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-11-27 17:58:37 | 显示全部楼层
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